The Bei Shaolin Warriors (BSW) demo team has over the years helped organizations to increase the numbers of people attending their event by giving a 5-60 minute demonstration. The BSW demo team is made up of all different nationalities from kids as young as 6 years of age to 45 year old adults. It doesn’t matter what the size of the audience whether it is from 50 to 10,000, the BSW demo team can help make your event successful. The BSW demo team is widely diverse when it comes down to demonstrating such as; individual and group forms, individual and group weapons forms, two and 3 man fighting, self-defense demonstrations, different types of kicks from ground to flying kicks, board and brick breaking, Tai Chi & Chi Gung Demonstration, and more.
Performed at some of the following Events:
- Overton Park Shell
- The Memphis Zoo
- Chinese New Year Festival (at the University of Memphis)
- Several Churches & Organizations
- Lantern Light Festival
Let the Bei Shaolin Warriors be a part of your next event for a donation to the Bei Shaolin Kung Fu Institute for any respectable size. Please take a part in helping our school grow by calling Sifu Kevin Miller at (901) 454-9696 or e-mail him at beishaolin2003@yahoo.com and tell him about your up coming event.